Animal Therapy Benefits: Real or Myth
Animal Therapy Benefits: Real or Myth Treating medical conditions requires specialized care, including medication, surgery, and rehab therapies. Your healthcare team works tirelessly to ensure your condition is managed effectively and cured
Chronic Sciatica Pain: 3 Proven Steps to Prevent Recurrences
Chronic Sciatica Pain: 3 Proven Steps to Prevent Recurrences The sciatic nerve extends from the lower back to the heel of each foot. As the largest nerve in your body, the signs
Celebrate Holidays Together for Better Health
Celebrate Holidays Together for Better Health Getting into the spirit of the holidays is sometimes easier said than done. Financial strain, losing loved ones, or living away from friends and family
Senior Living: The Dangers of Depression
Senior Living: The Dangers of Depression Occasionally feeling down isn’t uncommon in those of all ages. But when those feelings persist longer than a day or two, you may be suffering from
Things to Avoid with Spinal Arthritis
Things to Avoid with Spinal Arthritis Spinal arthritis occurs when the joints, ligaments, or tendons along the spine become inflamed. It has several causes, including infection, injury, autoimmune disorders, or wear and
Sudden Weakness in Legs: Why That Happens
Sudden Weakness in Legs: Why That Happens A leg giving out can be concerning, especially if it happens suddenly or repeatedly. If a leg gives out unexpectedly, it can lead to
Orthopedic Rehabilitation: When Do You Need It
Orthopedic Rehabilitation: When Do You Need It The musculoskeletal system consists of bones, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage and is more delicate than most people realize. As well as forming our body’s structure,
Yoga For Tight Muscles and Pain: How It Works
Yoga For Tight Muscles and Pain: How It Works Stiffness has various causes, including strains, injuries, and health problems. When it occurs, you lack the flexibility required for even simple tasks without
Muscle Knot Causes: Are They Harmful
Muscle Knot Causes: Are They Harmful We’ve all experienced tight muscles that make movement uncomfortable. They aren’t usually a cause for concern, requiring movement or a relaxing massage to loosen up.