Inpatient Rehab Care: What Is The Goal Of This Rehab Program?

Inpatient rehab care seeks to provide the quickest recovery from surgery, accidents, heart failure, stroke or other conditions. Such rehab is customized to individual patient needs, is responsive to change, and comprehensive. It would normally include a range of rehab therapies and other treatments as well as 24/7 nursing care.

Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens NY offers outpatient and inpatient rehab care services. While outpatient rehab is normally limited to physical, speech or occupational therapy as well as some other treatments, inpatient rehab is more comprehensive. Let’s take a look at the differences between the two. What follows is for guidance only, so be sure to seek professional medical advice for your particular circumstances.

Is Inpatient Rehab Care Better Than Outpatient?

Outpatient therapy is generally less comprehensive and tends to support patients during their recovery. In nursing homes and rehab centers they focus more on physical therapy, alongside perhaps speech or occupational therapy. It may include other treatments such as IV therapy or wound care. Inpatient rehab care is more suited to patients who need round-the-clock medical supervision or nursing care. It is not possible to say which is better – everything will depend on your health situation. The doctor will assess your health and personal circumstances and recommend one or the other form of rehab.

Elderly woman playing with dog as a part of inpatient rehab care

Rehab can help patients having difficulty performing the tasks of daily living that most people take for granted. For instance, many people with Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis cannot function properly and need help. Likewise, people with dementia or Alzheimer’s may forget how to do simple tasks and need to relearn how to do them. Inpatient and outpatient rehab care can help all these categories of patients, as well as those with arthritis or fractures.

How do you know you need inpatient treatment?

You will probably know whether or not you can cope at home alone or with a carer. If you are mobile and can perform all the basic tasks of daily living you may be able to live independently. On the other hand, if you need regular nursing care, inpatient rehab will probably be advisable. Your doctor will assess your overall situation and abilities, and help you reach a decision you are comfortable with.

If you have had a severe stroke or are severely immobile you will almost certainly require inpatient rehabilitation. If there is a risk of complications after surgery or an accident, again, inpatient treatment will probably be recommended.

What is the average length of stay in inpatient rehabilitation?

According to some sources the average, length of stay for inpatient rehab care is 12.4 days. However, this must be taken with a huge pinch of salt. The fact is that everything will depend on the patient’s mental and physical condition and the emotional support they get. For instance, if you have had heart failure, diabetes, and dementia, inpatient rehab may last much longer.

Contact us if you or loved one needs inpatient or outpatient rehab care in Queens NY. We are here to answer any questions you may have.

This article contains informational and educational materials and does not replace health or medical advice. For questions or concerns regarding your medical condition or health objectives, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.