What Is Rehab for Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also called COPD, is the term used for any progressive lung disease. These could include chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and non-reversible asthma, all of which are progressive and have no cure. The symptoms of these lung conditions include breathlessness, wheezing, coughing, and chest infections. To help manage these symptoms, rehab for obstructive pulmonary disease is often recommended.

There are several aspects of COPD therapy program that may be required, depending on the severity of your symptoms. It may involve medicine, lung therapies, including oxygen therapy and other rehab therapies. For more information on COPD and how rehab can help, keep reading.

Senior woman suffering from obstructive pulmonary disease going through rehab.

What Is Pulmonary Rehab for Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?

There are several causes of COPD, the most common of which is smoking. It also develops in those over 65 and those exposed to excessive air pollution, chemicals, fumes, and dust.

Regardless of why an individual has developed this condition, rehab for obstructive pulmonary disease is necessary.

One of the essential parts of rehab is physical therapy. Physical therapy is designed to improve muscle strength and can be tailored to meet the needs of a COPD patient. There are also breathing techniques included to ensure you’re exercising safely.

Rehab for obstructive pulmonary disease includes oxygen therapy to ensure your body gets the oxygen it needs. Education about COPD is another part of the treatment. As well as learning about your condition, you’ll receive dietary advice to improve it.

Many individuals with COPD also require emotional support. When faced with a chronic, incurable condition, mental health could be at risk. Even with family and friends available, some COPD patients require specialized support to prevent emotional instability.

How rehab improves your condition

Rehab for obstructive pulmonary disease has several benefits that can improve your condition. One aspect of COPD rehab is physical therapy, which will be tailored to match your abilities and needs. Exercises include upper body workouts to improve chest functions and breathing and varying lower body exercises. Strength training improves muscle strength and endurance, reducing your symptoms.

Breathing techniques are also a large part of COPD rehab. These techniques are designed to increase the strength of your lungs and chest muscles. The stronger these muscles are, the easier it will be to breathe, especially when exerting yourself. Those who contracted COPD from smoking will also receive help to quit for even more breathing improvement.

As noted already, an essential part of rehab for pulmonary disease is oxygen therapy. Those with difficulty breathing due to COPD may not be getting enough oxygen into their blood. There are a few options for oxygen therapy, including non-invasive ventilation, ambulatory oxygen, and long-term oxygen therapy. The method used to manage your oxygen levels will depend on the severity of your condition.

With any chronic condition, there is emotional strain that could cause depression or anxiety. To manage such stress, those with COPD require the proper support. As well as one-on-one therapy, there are also group sessions where those with COPD can share their experiences.

At Fairview Rehab and Nursing Home in Queens NY, we offer such therapy to help those with COPD improve their symptoms. We offer outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation therapies and assistance, including physical and oxygen therapy.

This article contains informational and educational materials and does not replace health or medical advice. For questions or concerns regarding your medical condition or health objectives, speak to a qualified physician or healthcare provider.