Short-Term Rehab Therapy And Its Surprising Benefits
Short-Term Rehab Therapy And Its Surprising Benefits Doctors often recommend short-term rehab therapy after surgery, an injury, or if you have certain health conditions. Rehab therapy may include physical, occupational, or speech
Physical Therapy After Surgery: 4 Ways To Speed Up Recovery
Physical Therapy After Surgery: 4 Ways To Speed Up Recovery It is well-known that regular exercise and physical therapy help prevent numerous health conditions and complications. Physical therapy after surgery is a
Benefits of Being Outside: Don’t Sit Inside, Get Outdoors
Benefits of Being Outside: Don't Sit Inside, Get Outdoors Most of us, especially urban dwellers, spend far more time indoors than outside, with negative effects on our health. Yet, we know intuitively
Prolonged Fatigue After Surgery: Do Rehab Therapy Asap!
Prolonged Fatigue After Surgery: Do Rehab Therapy Asap! Tiredness, exhaustion, or severe and prolonged fatigue are common after surgery – even minor surgery. This is, in part, due to the
Deep Breathing Exercises And Life-Changing Benefits
Deep Breathing Exercises And Life-Changing Benefits Many people know that just taking a few deep breaths can calm you down and relieve stress. Fewer people, however, realize the many benefits to
Arthritis And Joints: What Happens If You Don’t Exercise
Arthritis And Joints: What Happens If You Don’t Exercise Arthritis is a debilitating disease and if left untreated, it progresses rapidly. So, follow your doctor’s advice and do everything possible to
Relieve Stress To Help Stop Narrowing Of The Arteries
Relieve Stress To Help Stop Narrowing Of The Arteries It has long been known that stress is bad for your health and can even kill you. So, anything you do to
Brain Damage: Understanding And Living With Its Effects
Brain Damage: Understanding And Living With Its Effects Brain damage or injury can be traumatic after a fall or accident and can also occur after a stroke. It can be a
Walking Problems: What Causes Them And Makes Them Worse
Walking Problems: What Causes Them And Makes Them Worse Walking problems can be the result of a range of factors, including genetics, diseases, or injuries. Since efficient mobility is key to independence,